FeedThingy Loading...


  • Loading Feeds...

Feed Management

  • Force Update Now

  • Export feeds...
  • Import feeds...
  • Delete Database


  • Debug options

Current rules

    Remove selected

    Please select one or more fields to apply this rule to

    • Title
    • Summary
    New Rule

    This method of removing a feed is deprecated; use the feed context-menu instead!

    Loading feed info...

    Copy this JSON text into another instance of Feed Thingy (in another browser, or on another computer) to import your feeds and rules. Only feed info and rules are exported, the actual articles in the feed will not be preserved.

    Paste the JSON text you exported from another instance of Feed Thingy to import it. Only feed info and rules are exported, the actual articles in the feed will not be preserved.


    FeedThingy BETA

    Getting started

    To get started Right-Click inside of the Feeds area to the left and choose Add Feed from the context menu. You will be prompted for the URL of the feed and will be allowed to edit the name of the feed before it is added.

    Once you have added a feed you can define rules to score each article in it by clicking the Rule Management button in the feed's header.

    Beta means Beta

    A reminder, this application is in BETA. Do not use it for anything mission-critical. All code is tested before being deployed to this server but there may be occasional bugs that pop up.

    The client-side database this application uses to store your feeds and rules is more or less in it's final form. Any changes to it should be silently migrated, but again as this is beta there is a very slim possibility that a drastic change will be made that requires the database be deleted and recreated from scratch.

    What's new

    • Loading...

    Some of the icons used in this application are from or adapted from the Silk icon set used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.